Llama Leaders are Listeners Series Vol. 2

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For this week’s article, we build upon our Leaders are Listeners series and share some of our top listens with a quick synopsis and our thoughts on each podcast. Click on the image to listen for yourself.


Jocko Podcast #147: How to Build a Relationship with Your Boss. Politics. How to Disagree Up the Chain

In this amazing episode of the Jocko Podcast, Jocko and Echo provide great insight and perspective to a series of listener posed questions. They discuss the importance of detachment when making decisions and how stress impacts your ability to critically think. Later in the podcast, they highlight how practicing “normal face” allows for leaders to not show emotion even in the face of danger or critical moments. Finally, Jocko provides tactics on when and how to disagree up the chain of command without losing credibility with your team or your boss. The Jocko Podcast is a great podcast for anyone that wishes to learn lessons from a wide variety of proven military leaders and this episode is a great starting point.

- Jose 

The Power of Investing in People Podcast: How to Lead from the Side of the Road with John Gronski

In this fantastic episode of the Power of Investing in People, Sha interviews Major General John Gronski.  John is a proven leader with experience leading thousands of warfighters in Ramadi, Iraq during the bloody height of insurgent activity in the mid to late-2000s.  During their chat, John shared some of his remarkable leadership perspectives and also discussed some of the life and leadership lessons he gained while on his amazing journey trekking from Washington State to Pennsylvania on bicycle with his wife and then 15-month old child.  The Power of Investing in People is a phenomenal podcast, and this episode will have you hooked!

- Joe

Radical Candor Podcast Episode 4: Ruinous Empathy and Criticism

In this episode of Radical Candor The Podcast, Kim and Russ use personal stories of how they were unable to give effective feedback because they were overly concerned about the feelings of their subordinates. They discuss how being “too nice” can actually result in a boss hurting the people they care about by not allowing them to reach their full potential because of the lack of feedback. Radical Candor is about, “becoming a kick ass boss without losing your humanity” and we are sure you will love it.

- Jose  

Tribe of Mentors with Jocko Willink - Discipline Equals Freedom

In this phenomenal episode of the Tribe of Mentors, Tim interviews Jocko Willink a Navy SEAL Commander who led SEAL Team Three's Task Unit Bruiser, the most highly decorated special operations unit from the Iraq War. Tim and Jocko discuss a variety of things to include how your ego must be kept in check in order to prevent a person from placing their focus on me, me, me. They further discuss how discipline results in the freedom we seek in time management, finances, health and relationships. This is a great episode that introduces concepts which can be further explored in several of Jocko’s books.

- Jose


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