Llama Resources


Progressive Discipline Kneeboard

The purpose of progressive discipline is to use graduating steps to help a member correct their actions that has deviated from standards at the earliest stages. As the frequency and severity of the standard deviation increases you may have to move up on the actions taken to correct the behavior and get the member back on target.

USAF Leader Kneeboard

It is important to get to know your Airman on a personal level. The better you know your Airman, the easier it is to identify both positive and negative changes/indicators in their work, behavior, etc. In addition be sure to look for ways to Inspire, Provide Feedback, Facilitate Risk management and Find Growth Opportunities:

2022 Calendar

Leaders that set strategic goals for their teams in order to meet objectives and timelines are able to reduce risk and improve decision making. This calendar compiles key AF milestones and dates to aid in your planning.

SWOT (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats)

SWOT is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

MGA (Major Graded Areas)

In the USAF, MGA represent key process, procedures, and requirements. Capturing your efforts in each category helps you align your efforts holistically.

Project Planning Sheet

Effectively leading projects for your organizations can be daunting but utilizing some of these tips can make you more successful.

Meeting Sheet

Leading effective meetings can synchronize teams while minimizing wasted time. Follow these tips to make them more meaningful.

Battle Rhythm *DRAFT*

Establishing a battle rhythm for your organization creates direction and establishes the lines of march. Identifying key tasks, meeting, events and award opportunities early helps in aligning your organization to strategic objectives.

Progressive Praise *DRAFT*

The purpose of progressive praise is to use graduating steps to continuously motivate high performers by recognizing their actions in a manner that is best suited to that individual. Superior sustained performance should result in an increase of recognition.